Meet your speaker:

Jodie Williams


About Jodie

Anxious, Mad & Sad?  Tips to navigate emotional and mood changes during perimenopause

Feeling like your emotions and hormones are out of control due to perimenopause changes?

Can't distinguish if its a  “real emotion” or  if it’s “just my hormones”?

 Feeling scared, lonely, guilty, out of control or like you're wandering around in a hormonal/emotional wild west?

Come to this presentation where you will learn: 

âž” The framework used by Jodie to support her clients to get more peace and balance in their mental/emotional/hormonal space, creating better relationships with themselves and the world around them

âž” The main factors that contribute to our emotional/mental/hormonal experience during perimenopause

➔ Basic strategies you can start straight away, to get your hormonal and emotional health back on track.

JODIE'S'S GIVEAWAY FOR SUMMIT ATTENDEES:  Perimenopause mood/symptom tracker and E-book:  The A-Z of perimenopausal symptoms

Jodie is a women’s health coach and Registered Nurse who helps women to understand and manage the emotional, mental and physical changes that can occur during peri menopause.

Jodie has always had a deep interest in what it is that contributes to and supports wellbeing. Its lead her on a journey of many years of study (nursing, naturopathy, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy)  to try and understand and manage not only her clients' health challenges but also her own, which came in the form of depression, anxiety and fatigue issues from a young age.

Jodie entered peri menopause in her early 40s with a bang, in the form of chronic fatigue and cognitive challenges.  This experience has led her to study and work with women during this transformational  stage on all levels of wellness, physical, mental emotional and spiritual.

 Her work is based in science, knowledge and lived experience and delivered with empathy, openness and humour.

 When not doing client work or giving presentations she loves dancing, sewing costumes, and having adventures and recently spent time in Iceland being with active volcanoes (a life-long dream).

Find out more about Jodie HERE >
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