Meet your speaker:

Jackie Ashdown


About Jackie

Lifting is the New Running for Over 40's:  How strength training will help keep you "Fit for Life"

In this presentation you will learn:

➔ What to do to stay healthy, strong and confident during  menopause and beyond

➔ Why strength training is as close as you can get to a magic pill for midlife women

➔ How to get started with strength training safely and effectively, with easy steps to get started straight away

JACKIE'S GIVEAWAY FOR SUMMIT ATTENDEES:   PDF Download:  'What, Why & How; The Guide to Getting Started with Strength Training'

With over 20 years’ experience in personal training, nutrition and wellness coaching; Jackie has helped hundreds of people get “fit for life” with strength and conditioning training, alongside coaching them to make permanent, healthy lifestyle changes. Last year Jackie also became a Licensed Menopause Champion in proud partnership with the Menopause Experts Group, and she is passionate about supporting, educating, and empowering midlife women to not just survive this transition but to thrive!

Jackie was based in London for 21 years, then moved back to New Zealand just over 2 years ago. With the big move, Age Drop Personal Training & Coaching became fully online with a combination of virtual personal training sessions, coaching calls and online programmes. This means, that whatever your location, you are able to access top quality training and coaching to help you achieve your goals.

Ultimately, Jackie is on a mission to help midlife women live healthier, happier lives, love the body they are in and Age Drop like a bad*ss!


Find out more about Jackie HERE >
GET YOUR ALL-ACCESS PASS AND RECEIVE: Access to Jackie's online training session: Coaching of the 6 Foundational Movement Patterns