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Discover how to LOSE WEIGHT with an easy LOW CARB FOOD PLAN

 Join me for the FREE Low Carb Roadie Event


The low carb plan to help you get on track and stay on track, no matter where you are!


(Sign up to follow the event in our private Facebook group and get daily emails with low carb tips, recipes & resources)

Join this event and follow me on the road as I explore the low carb gems of the lower North Island.

Here's what you get:


Access to Private Facebook Group

Follow me on the trip as I share daily food tips, low carb interviews, recipe sharing, lots of resources and inspiration.



Daily Emails

Each day of the event I will email you with low carb resources, tips and tricks, so you learn how to get on track and stay there! 



An inside view of low carb life on the road

I've been eating this way for 23 years (which is how I've maintained my 30kg weight loss!).  You will see all my travel and eating tips as I head out and about each day.

Here's what you will learn:

  • The best option to choose at cafes and restaurants

  • How to create the perfect low carb plate, to reach your weight loss goals

  •  A 'who's who' guide for traveling in Auckland and the lower North Island

  • Low carb tips from other experts I will interview along the way

Sign up now!

Save your spot for access to the private Facebook Group, daily emails and low carb resources.

I'm Sheryl!

Lover of Low Carb  & Chief Motivator 

The low carb way of eating has helped me maintain my 30 kilo weight loss for the past 23 years, as well as lose 40kgs of pregnancy weight.

My passion for this way of eating inspired me to start my career as a nutritionist so I can help others discover this delicious food plan that WORKS!

I can't wait to share lots of fun tips, ideas and knowledge with you over this week-long event,