This powerful kickstart plan makes it easy to get started:
Including recipes for some of the most popular options from Keto by D Café!

Fully-structured 14-day meal plan
So you know exactly what to eat and the precise portion size.
It's a mix of simple meals and delicious, easy recipes
8 EXCLUSIVE recipes from Keto by D café
Delena is sharing her most popular keto recipes, along with instruction videos - so your food at home is just as delicious as in the cafe.
Full nutrition break down
What you measure you can manage, so every meal and recipe includes a full nutrition break down, so you know the exact level of calories, fat, protein and carbohydrate.
This nutrition plan has been designed to suit women.
The recipes and meals are all suitable for men too, but portions of protein and fat will need to be increased.
Here is exactly what you get when purchase this plan:

14-day fully-structured keto food plan
- Structured plan so you know exactly what to eat and how much to eat
- This is a CALORIE CONTROLLED plan with precise portion sizes, designed for weight loss
- Full nutrition breakdown for each meal so you know the exact levels of calories, protein, fats and carbs
- Meal plan is three meals per day, with less than 20g net carbs per day

8 EXCLUSIVE recipes from Keto by D café
- Get access to recipes for some of Dee's most popular keto meals: butter chicken, chicken pot pie, cottage cheese donuts, scotch eggs, chia pudding, cottage cheese wraps, bacon and egg cup and keto pizza dough.
- 4 instruction videos with Delena, for the following recipes: pizza dough, scotch eggs, bacon and egg cups and cottage cheese donuts.

Extra support and guidance
- You can do this programme on your own, but you are not alone!
- Sheryl and Delena are available if you have questions, via email or Facebook.
We're Sheryl and Delena
We are passionate about this way of eating because it has helped us both to lose weight and keep it off.
Sheryl has maintained her 30kg weight loss for the past 23 years by following a low carb nutrition plan. She has worked as a nutritionist for 13 years, helping many other women take back control of their weight and health.
Delena discovered keto 6 years ago, lost 20kgs and got frustrated at the lack of yummy options available so she opened her own keto café! A habit of extra snacking (easy to do when you own a café) saw a few extra kilos creep on last year, so she worked with Sheryl and achieved her ultimate weight goal, through a mix of keto and carnivore nutrition.
We are passionate about the keto way of eating and have created this plan to help you get started with structure, support and a delicious plan we know you will love.